प्रो.राकेश सिन्हा जी मुझे ऐसे दिखे...

--- विनय जोशी

डॉ. हेडगेवार जी की अभ्यासपूर्ण जीवनी (Biography) के लेखक और दिल्ली युनिवर्सिटी के प्राध्यापक राकेश सिन्हा जी राज्यसभा मे राष्ट्रपती जी द्वारा मनोनीत किये गए. टी.वी.स्टुडियो में हिंदुत्व और राष्ट्रवाद के लिए सतत संघर्षरत वैचारिक योद्धा, मेधावी अभ्यासक राकेश जी दिल्ली स्थित इण्डिया पॉलिसी फ़ौंडेशन के संस्थापक संचालक है. बिहार के बेगुसराई में जन्मे और पले बढे लेकिन दिल्ली के माहौल में विकसित हुए राकेश जी एक Down to Earth विचारक, अभ्यासक के रूप में जाने जाते है.
उनसे मिलने से कई बार यह महसूस होता है की वे दिल्ली के छल कपट वाले और कुटिलता से ओतप्रोत वायुमंडल के लिए बिलकुल फिट नहीं है... उनके सीधे साधे स्वभाव की वजह से उन्हें कई बार मानसिक पीड़ा और अशांति भी झेलनी पड़ी है, लेकिन भगवान भी तो इस दुनिया में है जो ऐसे लोगों की चिंताओं को ढोता और दूर करता है...
दिल्ली की नेहरु सेन्ट्रल लायब्ररी में सुबह से देर रात तक बैठने वाले, जबरदस्त अभ्यास करने वाले आजन्म विद्यार्थी, तीक्ष्ण प्रतिभा के धनी,सभी प्रकार के बौद्धिक हथियारों से लैस इस साधारण व्यक्ति के पीता बिहार के राज्य स्टार के कम्युनिस्ट नेता थे. पीता जी के रहते हुए ही राकेश जी राष्ट्रीय स्वयंसेवक संघ के साथ जुड़े लेकिन आपके पिता जी ने कभी भी अपनी विचारधारा अपने बेटे पर नहीं थोंपी, यह आजके वैचारिक छुआछूत की वजह से अंधे हो चुके कम्युनिस्ट नेताओं के लिए यह एक अनुकरणीय उदहारण हो सकता है...
मालेगाव बम कांड के बाद भगवा आतंकवाद मिथक का मकड़जाल भेदने के लिए टिव्ही डिबेट में जी जान लगाने वाले; सच्चर कमिटी की मुस्लिम समाज पर आई Equal Opportunity Commission की रिपोर्ट की जबरदस्त अभ्यासपूर्ण तरीके के खामिया उजागर करने वाले; हिंदु संघठनों को आरोपी के कठघरे में खड़ा करने के लिए लाए गए Prevention of Communal & Targeted. Violence Bill-2011 की "Hole in the Bucket" नाम की किताब लिख कर धज्जिया उड़ाने वाले; मोदी जी के कीमती कोट के नाम पर टिव्ही स्टूडियो डिबेट में संघ-भाजपा को कॉर्पोरेट स्नेही बताने वाले कम्युनिस्ट नेता अतुल अंजान को कॉमरेड श्रीपाद अमृत डांगे की 5 स्टार कल्चर का उदाहरण देकर चुप कराने वाले; बंगाल के धुलागढ़ में ममता की सरकार समर्थित मुस्लिम गुंडों द्वारा हिन्दुओं के सैकड़ो घरों को जलाने के बाद दिल्ल्ली में मानवाधिकार आयोग, महिला आयोग में मामला उठाने वाले और इस पर विशाल सेमिनार आयोजित कर के मुस्लिम तुष्टिकरण की राजनीति को बेनकाब करने वाले, ऐसे राकेश जी के कई रूप दिल्ली ने आज तक देखे है....
जिस तरह से वह आज तक टिव्ही स्टूडियो और सेमिनार, संगोष्ठियों में वामपंथी बौद्धिक कुटिलता को शुद्ध वैचारिक और तीव्र मेधा के हथियार से लहूलुहान करते आए है, ठीक वैसे ही राकेश जी इसके बाद संसद में हमलावर और आक्रामक मिजाज में देखने को मिलेंगे; फर्क एक ही रहेगा अब तक सिर्फ भारत की जनता उन्हें सुनती थी, इसके बाद पूरी दुनिया उन्हें भारत की सत्ताधारी पार्टी की "Law Maker" या पार्लमेंटरियन के रूप में देखेगी और सुनेगी!
आज तक उन्होंने हजारो भाषण दिए और हजारो टिव्ही डिबेटस में हिस्सा लिया लेकिन एक बार भी खुद पर डीफेमेशन का केस नहीं झेला क्योंकि वह जो बोलते है सही प्रमाण के साथ बोलते है... मीडियाकर्मियों और पत्रकारों में सभी विचारधारा के लोगों के साथ पारिवारिक मित्रता रखते है, लेकिन वैचारिक और सैधांतिक समझौता कभी नहीं करते....
आज भारत में हिंदुत्व और राष्ट्रवाद को बदनाम और गुनाहगार साबित करने की जो होड़ सी मची हुई है ऐसे समय में राकेश जी जैसा वैचारिक योद्धा संसद में मोर्चा संभालते देखना बहुत ही आश्वासक भी है और अति आवश्यक भी....
राकेश जी को ढेर सारी शुभकामनाएँ....

About Prof Rakesh Sinha
Prof Rakesh Sinha was born on 5th September 1964. 5th September is celebrated in India as Teachers Day. His village home is Manserpur, in Begusarai district in Bihar. He received his initial education in his village and middle school Naubatpur(patna). He then got admission in Netarhat school, Ranchi( then in Bihar now in Jhakhand), a prestigious school situated on a plateau at the height 3,337 feet.,through competitive

examination in which  thousands of students appear every year and only 60 get selected, after three layers of examinations.
Rakesh Sinha always excelled in academics..He secured sixth position in the merit list in 10th class examination conducted by Bihar School Examination Board where he was honoured with  gold medal by the governor. The BSEB also conducted personality test among the students who secured first to 25th position in the merit list and Sinha stood first and he was given one more Gold Medal in the function attended by the Chief Minister, Education Minister and Governor of the state.
Having secured high percentage in 12th class examination conducted by Bihar Inter Council,
he got admission in the prestigious Hindu college, university of Delhi where he studied B.A (Hons.)political science and further M.A ,political science.
He continued with academic excellence and secured second position in University in B.A (Hons).In M.A ,he topped the university and was awarded Gold medal and prestigious Prof C J Chako award.
His accomplishments came amidst his endeavor to earn and survive in Delhi as he belonged to a modest middle class family. During his students days, he established himself as a journalist. His reports, analysis and articles were published in Hindi and English dailies and journals. Jansatta( Hindi daily) Hindustan(Hindi daily), Dinman (weekly) , Ravivar, Organiser, Panchajanya  and regional press were prominent among them.
He became Delhi correspondent of Onlooker, a fortnightly published from Mumbai and worked there for almost one and half year. The editor of Onlooker was Mr Rajat Sharma , now  the key man in India TV.

Due to the  brilliant academic record in M.A previous, ,Rakesh Sinha was given a choice to write a dissertation in M.A final. With  deep academic research,he pursued his dissertation on ‘Political Ideas of Dr K B Hedgewar’ which created ripples in Marxist dominated department of Political science in DU. He faced stiffed opposition and suggestions to leave the topic. But he remained firm and wrote the dissertation which was well received owing to its content due to intense research.  One of its findings was that RSS differed ideologically and organizationally with Hindu Mahasabha and its variant of Hindutva was not identical with the Mahasabha.  This was published in the Organiser , the RSS mouthpiece and generated a debate.
Sinha did his M Phil on a very important topic which remains least addressed – ‘Civil Liberties Movement in India with special reference of Andhra Pradesh’.  The dissertation got applauds . It was based on primary and secondary source and traced the history of civil liberties movement in India.It highlighted the role of Civil Liberties Union (CLU ) before independence and then discussed the condition of civil liberties in  post independent India.It was the period when the country witnessed constant confrontation between civil liberties and the authoritarian traits of the indian state.  Sinha discussed the reasons and backgrounds, ideology and modus operendi and also ideological confrontation in People’s Union of Civil Liberteis(PUCL). His dissertation focuses on ideological debate and confrontation in PUCL  in particular and civil liberties movement in general . He traced the  reasons for split in PUCl and the formation of the People’s Union for democratic Rights.  His work covered wide area , and underlined the ideological currents deviating the real objective of the civil liberties groups. Even smaller groups like People’s Rights Organisation (PRO) , Citizens for Democracy(CFD) ,  Andhra Pradesh Civil Liberties Committee others were discussed  and their ideological parentage was traced.He pointed that descent in credibility of these organizations was due to the presence of Marxists in them,who have never been a part of party system.
Dr Sinha ‘s Ph D thesis is very appealing and interesting. He worked on Communist party of India (Marxist): its organizational and Ideological tranformation since its inception in 1964, to 2007.  He did an extensive research on communist movement , internal debates inside the movement,  and the reasons for rise and decline of the CPI(M). His thesis is based on both primary sources and secondary sources and carries the references and quotes from unpublished interviews of more than ve dozen veteran Communist leaders of India .It included Indradeep Sinha, Bhagendra Jha, EMS Namboodiripad, Jyoti Basu, BT Ranidev, SA Dange, ,Mirajkar , Satya Bhkata. These interviews were taken under the Oral history project by Nehru Memorial Museum Library (Tin Murti) New Delhi. His dissertation is under publication .

Rakesh Sinha has been heading India Policy Foundation (IPF), a Delhi based Think tank since 2008 as its honorary director. As its founder director, he has been credited to establish it as a reputed research organisation. An eminent political scientist and Associate Professor at Delhi University, Prof Sinha has authored several books. He wrote the first authentic biography of Dr KB Hedgewar, RSS founder, in 2003. It was published by the Publication Division of the Government of India and is ranked as highest sold book under the series of ‘ Builders of Modern India’. His other works include , ‘Political Journalism’ (under the fellowship of Makhanlal Chaturvedi National University of Journalism and Communication, Bhopal), ‘Golwalkar (Shri Guruji) and Indian Muslims’, ‘Terrorism and Indian Media’.
Rakesh Sinha is credited to break the ice on the Sachar Committee report. His research based intervention  unravelled many facts on the committee’s functioning and report. His research paper related to this report was published in Hindi and other languages, with a title : "Roti, Rajya aur Rozgar' ka Sampradayikaran". It has been translated in Kannad, Malayalam , Marathi and Gujarati. Another feather in his cap, his monograph ‘Deceptive Equality’ (deconstructing Equal Opportunity Commission) was a major policy intervention which successfully dissuaded the government to bring a bill to form EOC. His latest edited book “Secular India: Politics of Minorityism”(Vitasta Publication) unveils the distorted social philosophy of the Indian state.
 Prof. Sinha has presented papers in various seminars which have been well appreciated . A few of them are- ‘Hindutva and Modernity’ (at JNU, Delhi),’ Dr Hedgewar and Social integration’ (Surat) ,’Nehru and Patel and their contributions’ (Baroda University). He has been contributing regularly in national dailies and journals. His column ‘The other voice’  is published  in New Indian Express fortnightly.
Due to his above credentials and research he is considered as the most authentic and well read RSS ideologue with well articulated and logical arguments and has been a frontrunner in propagating works and ideologies of RSS.

Prof Rakesh Sinha on Twitter...

Marxistsअपने जमात में बोलते हैं जमात ताली बजाती है मिडिया में जमात के लोग प्रसारित करते है बूढी विचारधारा कबतक लाललगाम लगाकर जबान बनी रहेगीGud morning . materialism is becoming reasons for stress,ultra  individualism &alienation from social life. we must acknowledge its limit@kumarnandaj @AdvaitaKala  Know this brave saffron democrat answering Red bullets by  ballots in Kerala"I am authentic", 'only my perspective is right' are not the language of democratic discourse. criticality is essence of it-नेति नेतिAnti-RSS actors r post doctorate in slandering RSS&misinterpreting its leaders statements. @DrMohanBhagwat ji always speaks as a statesman.@DrMohanBhagwat ji initiated a serious debate on nationalism.contemporary  definition is bereft of cultural legacies which RSS wants to add(dismissed) Congress government in Uttarakhand deserves gold medal for unprecedented non constitutional performance in Assembly.Secularist arithmetic in Uttarakhand 35 out of 67 opposed Money bill but the rest 32 becomes majority to pass it. #savedemocracyMohan Bhagwat ji is consistent on nationalist narrative,anti-RSS forces(Owaisi to @SitaramYechury)inconsistent.They hate nationalist slogans.@sagarikaghose those who don't understand consequences of radical Islam & hidden sympathy r either fools or live in false consciousnessWho have been distributing certificatesRSS 'Fascist','Communal','Murderer of Gandhi'?RSS-abusers have no moral space to blame RSS

Prof. Rakesh Sinha-A Brief Introduction

About Prof Rakesh Sinha
Prof Rakesh Sinha was born on 5th September 1964. 5th September is celebrated in India as Teachers Day. His village home is Manserpur, in Begusarai district in Bihar. He received his initial education in his village and middle school Naubatpur(patna). He then got admission in Netarhat school, Ranchi( then in Bihar now in Jhakhand), a prestigious school situated on a plateau at the height 3,337 feet.,through competitive

examination in which  thousands of students appear every year and only 60 get selected, after three layers of examinations.
Rakesh Sinha always excelled in academics..He secured sixth position in the merit list in 10th class examination conducted by Bihar School Examination Board where he was honoured with  gold medal by the governor. The BSEB also conducted personality test among the students who secured first to 25th position in the merit list and Sinha stood first and he was given one more Gold Medal in the function attended by the Chief Minister, Education Minister and Governor of the state.
Having secured high percentage in 12th class examination conducted by Bihar Inter Council,
he got admission in the prestigious Hindu college, university of Delhi where he studied B.A (Hons.)political science and further M.A ,political science.
He continued with academic excellence and secured second position in University in B.A (Hons).In M.A ,he topped the university and was awarded Gold medal and prestigious Prof C J Chako award.
His accomplishments came amidst his endeavor to earn and survive in Delhi as he belonged to a modest middle class family. During his students days, he established himself as a journalist. His reports, analysis and articles were published in Hindi and English dailies and journals. Jansatta( Hindi daily) Hindustan(Hindi daily), Dinman (weekly) , Ravivar, Organiser, Panchajanya  and regional press were prominent among them.
He became Delhi correspondent of Onlooker, a fortnightly published from Mumbai and worked there for almost one and half year. The editor of Onlooker was Mr Rajat Sharma , now  the key man in India TV.

Due to the  brilliant academic record in M.A previous, ,Rakesh Sinha was given a choice to write a dissertation in M.A final. With  deep academic research,he pursued his dissertation on ‘Political Ideas of Dr K B Hedgewar’ which created ripples in Marxist dominated department of Political science in DU. He faced stiffed opposition and suggestions to leave the topic. But he remained firm and wrote the dissertation which was well received owing to its content due to intense research.  One of its findings was that RSS differed ideologically and organizationally with Hindu Mahasabha and its variant of Hindutva was not identical with the Mahasabha.  This was published in the Organiser , the RSS mouthpiece and generated a debate.
Sinha did his M Phil on a very important topic which remains least addressed – ‘Civil Liberties Movement in India with special reference of Andhra Pradesh’.  The dissertation got applauds . It was based on primary and secondary source and traced the history of civil liberties movement in India.It highlighted the role of Civil Liberties Union (CLU ) before independence and then discussed the condition of civil liberties in  post independent India.It was the period when the country witnessed constant confrontation between civil liberties and the authoritarian traits of the indian state.  Sinha discussed the reasons and backgrounds, ideology and modus operendi and also ideological confrontation in People’s Union of Civil Liberteis(PUCL). His dissertation focuses on ideological debate and confrontation in PUCL  in particular and civil liberties movement in general . He traced the  reasons for split in PUCl and the formation of the People’s Union for democratic Rights.  His work covered wide area , and underlined the ideological currents deviating the real objective of the civil liberties groups. Even smaller groups like People’s Rights Organisation (PRO) , Citizens for Democracy(CFD) ,  Andhra Pradesh Civil Liberties Committee others were discussed  and their ideological parentage was traced.He pointed that descent in credibility of these organizations was due to the presence of Marxists in them,who have never been a part of party system.
Dr Sinha ‘s Ph D thesis is very appealing and interesting. He worked on Communist party of India (Marxist): its organizational and Ideological tranformation since its inception in 1964, to 2007.  He did an extensive research on communist movement , internal debates inside the movement,  and the reasons for rise and decline of the CPI(M). His thesis is based on both primary sources and secondary sources and carries the references and quotes from unpublished interviews of more than ve dozen veteran Communist leaders of India .It included Indradeep Sinha, Bhagendra Jha, EMS Namboodiripad, Jyoti Basu, BT Ranidev, SA Dange, ,Mirajkar , Satya Bhkata. These interviews were taken under the Oral history project by Nehru Memorial Museum Library (Tin Murti) New Delhi. His dissertation is under publication .

Rakesh Sinha has been heading India Policy Foundation (IPF), a Delhi based Think tank since 2008 as its honorary director. As its founder director, he has been credited to establish it as a reputed research organisation. An eminent political scientist and Associate Professor at Delhi University, Prof Sinha has authored several books. He wrote the first authentic biography of Dr KB Hedgewar, RSS founder, in 2003. It was published by the Publication Division of the Government of India and is ranked as highest sold book under the series of ‘ Builders of Modern India’. His other works include , ‘Political Journalism’ (under the fellowship of Makhanlal Chaturvedi National University of Journalism and Communication, Bhopal), ‘Golwalkar (Shri Guruji) and Indian Muslims’, ‘Terrorism and Indian Media’.
Rakesh Sinha is credited to break the ice on the Sachar Committee report. His research based intervention  unravelled many facts on the committee’s functioning and report. His research paper related to this report was published in Hindi and other languages, with a title : "Roti, Rajya aur Rozgar' ka Sampradayikaran". It has been translated in Kannad, Malayalam , Marathi and Gujarati. Another feather in his cap, his monograph ‘Deceptive Equality’ (deconstructing Equal Opportunity Commission) was a major policy intervention which successfully dissuaded the government to bring a bill to form EOC. His latest edited book “Secular India: Politics of Minorityism”(Vitasta Publication) unveils the distorted social philosophy of the Indian state.
 Prof. Sinha has presented papers in various seminars which have been well appreciated . A few of them are- ‘Hindutva and Modernity’ (at JNU, Delhi),’ Dr Hedgewar and Social integration’ (Surat) ,’Nehru and Patel and their contributions’ (Baroda University). He has been contributing regularly in national dailies and journals. His column ‘The other voice’  is published  in New Indian Express fortnightly.
Due to his above credentials and research he is considered as the most authentic and well read RSS ideologue with well articulated and logical arguments and has been a frontrunner in propagating works and ideologies of RSS.